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Volts, Watts and Amps What does it all mean??? MM Electrical & Shopfiltting Contractors Ltd

what does mm mean

Following the success of a number of trials in lymphoma, a number of new clinical trials opened up for the treatment of MM. Table 2 summarizes the current status of ongoing clinical trials for MM. Several trials have established dosing regimens and cells are normally administered at a concentration of approximately 0.2–6 x 106 cells/kg. However, dosage levels may need to be established for each specific CAR construct, as this could change according to the relative expression of the target antigen. Unlike engineered T-cell receptor (TCR) constructs, CAR-Ts are not HLA-restricted, so patients of any HLA-type can be treated with a given CAR T-cell.

This is a challenge in MM as sub-clones emerge over time leading to tumor heterogeneity, and therefore, choosing more than one target could improve functionality. If targets are not exclusive to MM cells it can lead to the destruction of normal cells, with drastic consequences. Even extremely low expression of the antigen on normal cells can lead to deleterious effects if not managed correctly. It is also hoped that ‘off-the-shelf’ allogenic T-cells from donors, largely still in development, will help to improve the turnaround time and help to reduce the cost, so that CAR T-therapy is applicable to a wider group of patients. However, allogenic cell products place patients at greater risk of rejecting the cells, and may not lead to such durable responses.

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However, corticosteroids and vasopressors can also be administered, but in clinical trials, the anti‑IL‑6 receptor antibody (tocilizumab) has demonstrated efficacy in controlling CRS. Although tocilizumab has been approved by the FDA in this setting, it is still awaiting approval in Europe. Therefore, researchers conducting clinical trials in Europe need to look at ways to manage the availability of this drug. Treating and primary care physicians also need to be educated in how to recognize the early signs of CRS and to react quickly with appropriate measures. This will become easier as biochemical assays are developed to measure markers that act as warning signs of CRS, and can also be used to track progress as the CAR T-cells take effect. The success of a given CAR T-cell construct is dependent on the choice of antigen, which ideally is both exclusively and uniformly expressed by the malignant cells, but not normal cells.

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The history of mm in lens measurements dates back to the early days of photography. When lenses were first invented, they were typically made of a single bit of glass, the distance between the lens and the film was measured in mm, and voila, that’s how focal length was born. This measurement became a standard way to describe lenses, and it has persisted to this day. The Clark scale and Breslow thickness only look at the depth of melanoma cells in the skin.

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The number stages look at the melanoma depth, and also whether the melanoma has spread to lymph nodes or another part of the body. The data from two of these early CAR-T trials was released in June 2017 at ASCO and was previously reported by the MM Hub. The astounding results reported by Nanjing Legend Pharma, showing that 33 out of 35 (94%) patients had clinical remission, was also reported by ASCO news itself and many other news wires.

what does mm mean

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For example, I asked Google for guidance on how to abbreviate millionhere and got a page full of conflicting search results. You will also have access to many other tools and opportunities designed for those who have language-related jobs . @jcollum These conventions are also claimed to be in use in the US (see abbreviations.com). To take it further; one billion would be shown as $1MMM or one-thousand million. In this example, we intentionally chose a piece of analysis that contained various different units, such as dollars and shares.

MM represents million in certain industries, notably the energy industry , in abbreviations such as MMbbl/d . Even then, I don’t think this is applied universally, some use only one M in this and similar abbreviations. If the writer is going to use it, he should explain it first, unless he knows for certain that the audience he is writing for would understand it.

When an analyst must present various different types of units, it is recommended to add a “units” column so that each item contains a label for easy reference. The Latin numeral MM is frequently used to designate that the units used in presenting information (financial and non-financial) are in millions.

what does mm mean

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