About Us

CFO Club Indonesia (“Club”) was informally founded in Mar 2016 by Sourav Seksaria (Finance Director of Coats in Indonesia); Prawira Atmadja (CFO of BASF in Indonesia); Rahadian Ratmawijaya (CFO of Lenzing in Indonesia); Dasrul Chaniago, (CFO of General Electric in Indonesia) and Darryl Hariananda, (Finance Director of Rentokil Initial in Indonesia).


The Club subsequently caught the attention of prominent organizations like Bloomberg, IBM, HSBC, CIMA, CFO Innovation etc. who in turn have supported the growth and expansion of the Club with sponsorships on gatherings, roundtables, etc., of several CFOs events along the Club’s journey.

The supports and the different gatherings helped create great momentum for the Club, combined with the launch of a Peer Group Referral program, whereby existing Club members started actively engaging other CFOs and introduced them to the Club.


Today the Club has over 250 members covering a wide spectrum of sectors representing the Indonesian economy, comprises of CFOs of the most prominent local and multinational institutions and corporations in country. In February 2019, CFO Club Indonesia has been formally and legally established as an Association for Finance Directors in Indonesia (“Perkumpulan Direktur Keuangan Indonesia”). The Club is being recognized at the national level as an emerging and highly visible center and forum for networking, professional excellence, and as ambassador of finance profession in Indonesia to connect with the regulators and various government institutions.

Our Vision

To become a prominent community of CFOs in Indonesia, to facilitate sharing of information, knowledge, and best practices, to support professional development of its members, and to be a key voice of CFOs to all stakeholders.

Our Mission

  • To facilitate sharing of information, knowledge, and best practices, with a primary goal to support professional development of its members.
  • A forum to network, sharing and connecting between like-minded individuals.
  • To foster members development to be more impactful senior finance leaders and industry experts.
  • To allow members to further enhance the role of the CFO as a thought and strategic leader in the organizations.
  • Act as ambassador to connect with regulators and other government bodies
  • To support professional development of its members.
  • Coordinate between finance & accounting professional bodies, educational institutions, event organizers and others for the benefit of the finance community.

Why Join The Club

  • Full access to top executives database, C- Level professionals with wide spectrum of expertise across virtually all sectors of the Indonesian economy.
  • Best forum to network, exchange practices, share experience, mingle, and have fun with community of like-minded senior finance practitioners who speak the same language.
  • The best forum to seek for free advice for any challenges you may face in your role from other CFOs, about business regulations, taxation, best practices, etc.
  • To support the development and growth of the company you are affiliated with, through exploring potential business expansion and alternative ideas for exponential growth.
  • A means of access to government institutions supported through our affiliation with senior government officials sitting on the board of the Club.
  • Access to finance and accounting regulatory bodies the Club is engaging and collaborating regularly.
  • One of the best sources of information for consultants looking for talents, and to connect with people.
  • Potential spending efficiency through economics of scale, to be achieved through reviewing common and material spending across all members’ businesses and engaging the best vendors.

Who Can Join Us

  • You are currently holding as the most senior finance role for the organization, as a CFO/Finance Director/Head of Finance for a company, institution or organization in Indonesia.
  • You are currently reporting directly to the CEO/President Director/Managing Director/Country Manager of a company, institution or organization in Indonesia.

Executive Board

Yuanita Rohali
Secretary General
Alvin Christian ( Head )
Andrie Gotama ( Deputy Head )
Hendry Ohe ( Head )
Elisabeth Lie ( Deputy Head )
Vice Chairman – Event & Social
Ervina Waty ( Head )
Aria Nagasastra ( Deputy Head )
Irma Setyowati ( Deputy Head )
Marliana Soedargo ( Deputy Head )
Riza Nurfadhli ( Deputy Head )
Vice Chairman – Communication & External Affairs
Alvin Christian ( Head )
Ike S Rukiyah ( Deputy Head )
Dina Rohali ( Deputy Head )
Vice Chairman – Regulatory & Accounting Standard
Novita Kwee ( Head )
Chee Hean Chew ( Deputy Head )
Albert Ishak ( Deputy Head )
Ratna Dewi ( Deputy Head )
Vice Chairman – Membership & Organization Development
Prawira Atmadja ( Head )
Benny Julius Joesoep ( Deputy Head )
Diah Kurniawati ( Deputy Head )
Ferita Tanudjaja ( Deputy Head )
Vice Chairman – Community Development
Saurabh Mishra ( Head )
Goei Boen Sin ( Deputy Head )
Vivyanti Ashali ( Deputy Head )
Tessa ( Deputy Head )

Honorary Board

Honorary Member
Prof. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, S.E., M.U.P., Ph.D.
Dr. Ir. Airlangga Hartarto, M.B.A., M.M.T.
Hariyadi Sukamdani
M. Arsjad Rasjid P.M.

Supervisory Board

Dasrul Chaniago
Supervisory Board Member
Troy Parwata
Yosephin Dewi
Evi Afiatin
Yudhistira Rusli
Herwan Ng
Hanief Ardiasyah
Ferdinand Sadeli