Financial Perspectives on Loyalty, Incentives, and Rewards Programs: From Cost Allocation to Revenue Optimization.
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3. Alpin Napitupulu - Director at PT Iradhi Solusindo Abadi
4. Andrie Gotama - ceo at triyasa
9. Dani Indrawan - Finance and System Information Director at MMC Hospital
11. Edwin Maulana - Head of Finance at Airbus
12. Eko Santoso - Finance Lead at Bayer Crop Science (formerly Monsanto)
14. Ervina Waty - CFO at PT. FKS Food & Ingredients (FKS Group)
18. Freddy Freddy - Executive Corprate Finance Director at PT Shield On Service Tbk
21. Khairul Abdi - Country Finance Leader at PT. Medtronic Indonesia
24. Marianne Hasjim - CFO at PT Jasa Angkasa Semesta Tbk
29. Puneet Bakshi - CFO at PT Pacific Indomas
32. She Jin Liauw - CFO at PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia
34. Trianto Sutopo - CFO at PT. Nusantara Trust Indonesia
35. Vikramaditya Singh Nanawati - Group CFO at PT Monex Investindo Futures
36. Viney Bhatia - Finance Director at Wunderman Thompson
38. Yulius Leonardo - Director at PT Mitrabara Adiperdana Tbk